Payment Info
The following are the payment policies for ORegon Surgery Center:
- If your surgery is covered by insurance, please bring current insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid card to ORegon Surgery Center.
- All charges are the patient’s responsibility. As an added service to our patients, once coverage has been confirmed, we will bill the insurance company. Patient bills are due and payable within 30 days from date of billing. MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Credit card payment form may be dropped off, mailed or faxed in.
- The quoted is an estimate and is based on the scheduled procedure. In rare instances, unanticipated additional procedures may result in higher charges.
- ORegon Surgery Center has a Charity Care Policy and follows the Federal Poverty Guidelines to determine eligibility on a case-by-case basis.
- Cosmetic surgery fees are payable in full the day of the surgery.
PLEASE NOTE: (1) Professional fees for Anesthesia and Pathology are billed separately by the independent providers. (2) On occasions, labs and x-rays may be ordered by your doctor after your surgery while you are still at the surgery center. These services will be billed to you separately.
If you have any questions, please call ORegon Surgery Center at 677-2800.
For specific questions regarding your account please contact us between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and ask for patient billing.